Amazon Error Message:

Amazon Error Code:

  • 5461

Amazon Screenshots:


This means you are attempting to use a barcode number on brand name item, Amazon has a Brand Registry, brands register their own barcodes through this program. The barcode you are attempting to use/assign does not match that brand. 

Example: You're listing a Nike shoe but trying to use your own barcode, this will not work since your barcode is different then Nike's own Amazon brand registered barcode numbers.


The solution or "work-around" to this is to not input the brand's name (ex: Nike) in the brand field, but instead input your DBA or Amazon company name in the brand field instead and then input the brand's name (ex: Nike) in the item description. 

The moment you type "Nike" into the brand field amazon's automated system cross references Nike's own barcode numbers against the one's you're trying to enter. 

Note: Amazon does not make public any list of brand's that it does this for/to.