Bar Codes Talk will beat all legitimate barcode sellers’ price by 15% - GUARANTEED.

Every purchase with Bar Codes Talk comes with a 115% Best Price Guarantee - you can trust that you are always getting the best price when purchasing your barcodes from us. That means that if you find a lower priced barcode package from a verified, legitimate* barcode reseller, we will not only match their price, but also beat it by 15%!

*The following qualifies as a “verified, legitimate” barcode reseller:
  • The reseller must be selling barcodes that come from a prefix obtained from the UCC (Now known as GS1-US) prior to the 2002 UCC Class Action Lawsuit.
  • The reseller has not been in trouble with any state or federal licensing, regulatory, and/or law enforcement agency for any reason, and most especially not for selling illegitimate barcode numbers, or price-fixing.
  • The reseller is a government registered verifiable business (No fly-by-night companies) with multiple employees.
  • The reseller must have a working phone number, an address, and email contact information.
  • The reseller has a website and is not only selling on eBay or any other “auction” websites.

Unfortunately, we have to be strict when it comes to resellers in this industry, as there have been a lot of fraudulent resellers taking advantage of businesses not knowing how UPC & EAN barcodes work. Bar Codes Talk is a verified, legitimate barcode reseller but if the website you want us to price-beat can’t make the same claims and back them up, then we won’t be able to verify their prices. We have high standards to uphold and therefore pass these standards to our customers.